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The main difference between mnemonics and acronyms

  Mnemonic is a learning technique used to recall difficult words or phrases. An acronym is a new form of the word created from the first letter of a long word or phrase.

  The mnemonic was created by the Greek sophist, poet, and philosopher Ceos. However, the acronym is derived from the Greek word acr-height, and nym is a name.

  Mnemonic is a learning method to memorize any difficult words or phrases in a simple form. On the other hand, acronyms are pronounced by the first letter of the word, the syllabus, a mixture of two words, or the original pronunciation.

  Mnemonics are used to recall various methods of difficult learning, such as expressions, acronyms, models, comment connection, spelling, visualization, and ode mnemonics. Nevertheless, Acronyms have developed into multiple languages, such as Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Russian, German, etc.

  When it comes to mnemonics, short notes, flowcharts, mind maps, or remembering months with the help of Knuckles methods. In the case of Acronym, NASA is spelled Nah-Saa instead of the full form—NASA. Likewise, LOL is not Laugh out Loud.