
gotobug daily life

Stop worrying about your luggage abroad

  Hats actually take up a lot of luggage space and are not necessary, so it is recommended to choose a soft, foldable practical hat. It is good to bring one at a time, such as fisherman hats, knitted hats, etc., try not to bring gentleman hats, Straw hats, such as hats, are of wide fabric and hard-to-fold styles.

  For shoes, it’s best to choose shoes that are comfortable and easy to wear on the day you go abroad. If you really need to bring them, you’d better choose lightweight and flat slippers. Don’t bring them that is not practical unless you need them for special occasions. High-heeled shoes that occupy a place to go abroad.

  When going abroad, it is also recommended to bring worn-out fabrics directly, such as underwear, underwear, socks, T-shirts, etc., which can be thrown away after wearing them as free laundry. You don’t need to take dirty clothes home to wash them. Can save Travel bags luggage space.

  Skincare products such as lotions, lotions, shampoos, conditioners, and facial masks are good as long as you bring them in enough quantity. You don’t have to take the whole jar out. Many of them now specialize in small-sized travel sets, or you can pack them by yourself. In this way, the size and weight can be greatly reduced when going abroad, and the risk of being damaged by improper haulage can also be reduced.

  Medicines or daily disposable contact lenses are enough for the number of days to travel. If you are worried about a temporary situation, you can prepare one or two more groups. You don't need to bring the entire package or the entire box.